55 weddings for this season

We learned that all of us have wine and weddings are in Kosovo. We
have often heard discussing how such and such a singer of such and such
gains singer, and whenever they have "coveted" imagined their pockets
full. Entertainment
celebrities of Kosovo, which occurs in the spring have booked all
summer, arranged to sing at weddings and numerous parties. But how much of their own pocket, the Tax Administration of Kosovo? Lots of them have refused to answer and talk about its benefits, but the prominent singer said they were regular taxpayers.Loves Shkelzen singer, known Xeni, and one of the most wanted fugitives in the "wedding market", said it was regular taxpayer.He
pays 10 percent of the real value of profits from a wedding, this value
that may occasionally change. "I pay 10 percent of net profit for each
wedding, but it depends on the price because it is never the same," Loves Shkelzen said.He
did not show much gains from a wedding party, but added that family and
friends singing without money. "I will not give any figures, because
often sing without money and family are friends. But the amount varies, it is never the same, "he told Xeni.So
far he has recorded 55 evening held for this season, adding that there
will be more. "55 weddings were registered, there will be other until
the end of summer. Earnings of all weddings are sent to the Tax Administration, "said Xeni."I
pay taxes that most changed regularly work to stop every night because
I'm in the VAT tax, if large firms", has shown Loves to "Voice".Another singer who is engaged in various evening is Ramadan Krasniqi, who says he is among the first singers began to pay tax."No laudable, but I am the first singer I started to pay taxes, in September 2002," said Dan. He
added that he regularly pays taxes, has already shown that in the
summer months pays more. "In July and August after more evening weddings
and different pay more than 900 euros per season, while others pay 900
months Euro ", Krasniqi said the newspaper.Dan has shown that it is more accurate payment of taxes, adding that this summer the evenings was also held not too hot."This
year I was even less than in previous years, I had about 20, 13 of
which are in Ulcinj, but would not go, as most evenings colleagues have
failed there," singer finished Ramadan Krasniqi.Nikqi
green, from a media office in Tax Administration, after the request was
made before two weeks newspaper, said that "based on Law no. 03/L-222
on Tax Administration and Procedures, each taxpayer, ie in this case
the singers (burlesque) who have income are obliged to carry out their
tax obligations, as provided in the Law 03/L- 161 for Personal Income Tax ", as written in the law on taxes.
added that all taxpayers are indebted to TAK, including singers, under
the Law on Tax Administration and Procedures, unless you are willing to
pay their debts, will be subject to enforced collection procedures by
TAK " These
procedures include block accounts, cash withdrawals from their bank
accounts, stops to leave Kosovo until the seizure of various properties,
"said Nikqi.