Untitled revealed that her song on her new is dedicated to all "Albanian superstars" to actually "do not differ much from others".
The model, which was recently rumored lot of "mixing" with Leonardo Di Caprio and separation from her husband, Dragonforce, has launched its project on new musical titled "Superstar".
In an interview given to the Albanian media that confirms the song, whose video clip in the shape of characters including two "lovely" mentioned, provocative character of Albanian s superstar.
"I have dedicated all Albanian characters, all are superstars's, though in Albania distinction between public characters and ordinary people is very small," he said in an interview Afërdisa.
But while tall "Albanian superstar" Venus seems now that has affected global media scandal mentioned, sees himself on another level - on the road to Hollywood.
"A dream of Hollywood? Who would not dream of Hollywood ... I hope that in the future I have the opportunity to touch the reality, but this is not my primary goal, at least not for the moment, "added beauty of Montenegro.